Environmental Energy Mass Spectrometry Lab.

Sultonov Rakhmat
Education and experience
  • Identification of chemical structures of unknown compounds based on ion mobility mass spectrometry

[ Education​ ]
- M.S. in Chemistry, Kyungpook National University​, South Korea (2020)​
- B.S. in Chemistry, Samarkand State University​, Uzbekistan​ (2017)

​[ Publication ] 

2Raees Ahmad,  Eunji Cho​, Sultonov Rakhmat Moonjung Hyun, Chang-Beom Park​, Sunghwan Kim / Characterization of structure isomers of ethylbenzalkyl dimethyl ammonium chlorides and quantification in commercial household disinfectant products​/ 2023(February)/ Environmental Technology & Innovation​/ 29, 102979


1Marufa Naznin​, Md Badrul Alam, Rafiqul Alam, Syful Islam, Sultonov Rakhmat, SangHan Lee, Sunghwan Kim / Metabolite profiling of Nymphaea rubra (Burm. f.) flower extracts using cyclic ion mobility–mass spectrometry and their associated biological activities/ 2023(March)/  Food Chemistry/ 404(Part A), 134544