Environmental Energy Mass Spectrometry Lab.

Ahmad Raees
Education and experience
  • PP/PE decomposition products

[ Education ​]
- M.S. in Applied Chemistry, Kyungpook National University​, South Korea (2020)​ 


[ Publication​​ ]

​3Raees AhmadMd Badrul Alam, Eunji Cho, Chang-Beom Park, Imran Shafique, SangHan Lee, Kim SunghwanDevelopment of a rapid screening method utilizing 2D LC for effect-directed analysis in the identification of environmental toxicantss​/ 2024(April)/ Science of the Total Environment​ / 927, 172199

​2Raees Ahmad, Eunji Cho, Sultonov Rakhmat, Moonjung Hyun, Chang-Beom Park, Sunghwan KimCharacterization of structure isomers of ethylbenzalkyl dimethyl ammonium chlorides and quantification in commercial household disinfectant products​/ 2023(February)/ Environmental Technology & Innovation​ / 29, 102979

1) Raees Ahmad, Joon Young Kim, Gi Beom Park, Nam Ho Heo,* and Karl Seff / Water Molecules in Zeolite Y Enhance the Photoluminescent Properties of Its Cesium Lead Bromide Quantum Dots, Na 4 Cs 6 PbBr 48+ / 2021(March) / Journal of Physical Chemistry C /125, 5904